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Reduction Is On Steam Greenlight

Feel free to go there and vote for it.


Where Reduction Is & Where It's Going!

Right now, Reduction is a four-level preview campaign, with quite a bit of custom content (over 50 custom models and some custom materials, purpose-built for this campaign). Once I upload it you'll be able to play it as-is (and send me feedback, too).

When it is finished, it will be at least 20 levels long!

It takes tremendous time and effort to build these levels and custom content. This game campaign right now is the result of about 6000 hours of development.

What's the plan to complete Reduction?
My plan is to build the remaining levels, to complete the basic Reduction campaign (20+ missions levels long). This full Reduction campaign will be free -- as I don't own the Alien Swarm IP and cannot sell Reduction as a game (not yet at least; a future mod might be saleable if I can make a deal with Valve).

If you go to my Steam profile (xfunc_carter), you can see how many hours I've put into the Alien Swarm SDK, building Reduction so far. Play the preview campaign and judge for yourself.

Actually, as of the Steampipe conversion, no-ones hours are logged anymore when using the AS SDK... But I'm averaging about 1000 hours per mission - which is basically a year of work each level. The first 4 missions I did in a 2-year blitz -- basically crunching for 2 years. I chose to not pursue work in the game industry because of this. (Yes. That IS true...)

Much of the time spent building these first six levels has been spent learning the idiosyncracies of the toolset, how to make custom props, net traffic design, implementing various scripted sequences, and getting up to production speed. But now I've learned this technology and I can build content very rapidly

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